Sunday, October 18, 2020

Gioachino Rossini (attributed) - Duetto buffo di due gatti (Humorous duet for two cats)

 Old NFO has a hilarious read comparing the diary of a dog to the diary of a cat.  There's much truth there to go along with the humor.  It's funny because it's true.  Interestingly, there is a funny classical music piece said to be by Gioachino Rossini (of "Barber of Seville" fame) where a duet of sopranos sing to each other - and ever word in the song is "miau" (Italian for "meow").

It also calls to mind the epic videos below:


  1. An operatic work where I understood every word! A major accomplishment for me. That was fun, thanks for doing this.

  2. The singer on the right does have feline features, I would say...

  3. My girlfriend and I enjoyed the duet; I thought it was amusing, and she thought it was hilarious.

    As for the sad cat diary, I think that it was done much better by Henri.

  4. Rossini anticipates PDQ Bach. I like it.


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