Thursday, September 10, 2020

It's September 10 all over again

 Co-blogger ASM826 posts about the last day that was normal.  Then Al Qaeda flew the jets into the buildings.
We were asleep that day, and had a rude awakening.  In a sense, it seems the same thing is happening now with Antifa and how people keep underestimating them.  Adam Piggott has a must-read post telling us to stop all that:
Every Antifa member that has been killed or unmasked in the past couple of weeks has been revealed as a convicted criminal, some with quite disturbing rap sheets. In other words, they have nothing to lose. They are highly trained to reach demonstrable objectives on the ground of their own choosing. These guys are not the cartoon idiots that we were encouraged to believe. They are far from it.
Most disturbing is his discussion of the local government authorities actively working to support Antifa, specifically in the courts.  This is quite disturbing.  Really disturbing.  It makes me glad that The Queen Of The World and I got out of Maryland.

Read the whole thing.  It feels like September 10, 2001 all over again.


  1. I've made that point several times in other blogs. The soy boys may be running things, but they're smart enough to use violent criminals, who know how to use violence and are comfortable with it, as their cannon fodder. The replies I've gotten are along the lines of "Violent criminals are used to helpless victims" and "They don't have any real weapons skills." But any gang cop in the United States can tell you both of those assertions are wrong.

  2. Hey Borepatch;

    I have commented several times over several years that Antifa has a "squishy outside" but 10% of them are hard, some of them are veterans and they are not to be underestimated, plus factor in the support they get from the local .gov and it makes them formidable on their own turf. When they try to go outside the blue cities is where they run into problems. They are communist in nature and Mao said that"we will move amongst the peasants like fish in the sea" Guess what he was referring to? The local leftist in the cities, they use them for cover and most of the reporters support the goals of the organization, fellow travelers and all.

  3. Why do I think Nov 2 'may' become another 'last day', like 10 Sept...

  4. Old_NFO nailed it!

    If Trump wins, even in a record-breaking landslide, the leftists are going to go completely berserk....

    1. Which is why I'm restocking right now. Off to the Amish butcher's tomorrow.

  5. I would like to see the linked article cross-posted to conservative sites. I see way too much underestimation of the enemy, usually of the "we have all the guns" variety. Never mind that they have have organization, lots of money, a virtual lock on communication and support of government.


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