Sunday, September 20, 2020

Beethoven - Symphony no. 5 in C Minor

 The Social Justice Warriors have come for the heads of the Global Elite.  The Elite sure didn't plan it that way, but here it is anyway.  

Beethoven's 5th Symphony is sometimes referred to as the "Fate symphony" - the famous four opening notes is said to symbolize Fate knocking on the door.  That seems fitting; perhaps we should call this music the "Irony symphony" because it's sibling symphony number 9 is the (inter)national anthem of the Global Elite but is being rejected by the street muscle that the Elite has been funding for decades.

You would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.  Rather than being deep thinkers playing 4 Dimensional Chess, they're Mickey Mouse in the Sorcerer's Apprentice, unwittingly creating a monster beyond their control. 

You see, the street muscle (and the intellectual movement that gave rise to them) were supposed to tear down American Bourgeois culture, leading the way for the Global Elite to impose a benign and (dare I use the word?) paternalistic World Government.  For everybody's own good, 'natch.  Never mind the vast opportunities for graft by the Global Elite ...

Instead, the river of Culture War burst its banks and now looks fair to engulf the Global Elite itself.  No Beethoven for you, you icky White Male, you!  The only Good White Male is a dead White Male, and all that.  The irony is pure, distilled, 100 proof.

But the music is really, really good - and is justly famous for that.  Heck, it was included on the gold record sent on the Voyager space probe.  That's how famous it is.

So enjoy the music, at least while you can.  Ask not for whom Fate knocks; it knocks for you.  At least if the Social Justice Warriors get their way.


  1. They can take my Beethoven and Bach from my cold dead computer storage!

    Bastids. Nothing is sacred, except the unsacred.

    Really, more and more, it seems to me that it will take much blood or prison sentences in the streets to slow the stupidity.

    Maybe arrest some congresscritters for violating their oaths and charging them with sedition or treason depending on whether they are like Pelosi and openly calling for violence or like Feinstein who hasn't met a ChiCom she didn't like and wouldn't take money from.

  2. Looking at that gold disk that was sent to space, how could anyone at NASA think it would mean something, when the average person can't make heads nor tails of it?

  3. libertyman, clearly the NASA psychologists who put that picture together were not up to the level of the engineers who landed a Man on the moon.

  4. I'd forgotten we sent that into space.


  5. As mentioned elsewhere, the Left coalition is coming apart... the divisions in it are growing as disparate groups realize that other groups are taking advantage of them and have no intention of doing anything to help them.
    Personally, I think the rioters this year jumped the gun - I suspect that other liberals wanted the riots to occur closer to the election so that Trump and republicans wouldn't have time for an effective response.

  6. As I no longer hear well enough to glory in the texture of the great composer's works. I've once again turned to the mighty works of Newton, von Neumann, Feinman, Einstein, Bose, and the rest. Now there is beauty beyond measure.

  7. Reminds me of "CHUCK" kickin off "Johnny B.Goode!!!!"

  8. "Johnny B. Goode" was also on the disc on Voyager.


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