Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Sheffield Cathedral disbands its choir

This was done in the interest of "inclusivity" or "social justice" or some such nonsense.  The press stories about this have the usual coat of whitewash (err, so to speak) but call out the anger that this has generated. Natalie Solent describes what's going on:

As some of those [press] titles indicate, the decision to close down the Sheffield cathedral choir has angered people who have not been to church for years and would not normally much care for church music. Why has it resonated so widely? I think I know why, and the knowledge depresses me. Until a few months ago I would have said that the UK had done relatively well in promoting an inclusive, non-racial sense of patriotism in which immigrants were seen as “joining the team” and adding their culture to the indigenous culture rather than displacing it. The maiden speech of Kemi Badenoch, my MP, expressed this idea well. “I chose to make the United Kingdom my home”, she says, and speaks of the British Dream: “It is a land where a girl from Nigeria can move here aged sixteen, be accepted as British, and have the great honour of representing Saffron Walden”.

But that ideal of inclusive patriotism is being eroded by decisions like this one. It is scarcely surprising that white British people begin to see diversity as a threat to their culture when they are told that a part of their culture that has gone on for centuries is to be abolished in the name of diversity.
What's left out of that otherwise excellent summary is that it's not immigrants who are demanding this; rather, it is lily white progressives doing it.  Whether they think they need street cred, or whether they think that the crocodile will eat them last, it's  not Ms. Solent's Nigerian-born MP behind this.  


  1. In many places, The Church of England has stopped being a Church of God but instead turned into a Church of Man.

    This is just continuing the decline of spirituality.

    Let's see. Social Justice Priests have declared God is female, God is not really existing, the Devil isn't evil. That other god-concepts are equal to God, concepts that are rooted more in the Morningstar than in God.

    In France, a Catholic cathedral hired a muslim to be on-site maintenance, in the interests of inclusiveness. Said worker set three fires and burnt the place down.

    Other places, ecumenical 'dance' is a thing. So is pushing openly political agendas rather than dealing with spiritual ones.

    Old-school Christianity is being destroyed from within. And it seems like there's nothing we normal God-fearing people can do, except to back away and believe in the tenet of "Where two or more gather, I am there."

  2. The churches forfeited most of their followers when they banished faith. When they wrapped themselves in the mantle of social justice they lost most of the rest. The smug philistines now sucking the church tit are far from believers and mostly blow the way the winds go. As a guide or a compass, they are gone and have been for decades. To be honest, were I to be a practicing type, I'd be embarrassed to admit it so far gone are the leadership of the church to the day to day depravity of the woke and sjw.

  3. In five years it will be a mosque.

  4. The Anglican community is alive and well in Africa (a legacy of British colonialism). They still believe in God. It is the British and American branch of the church that has gone completely off the rails.

  5. Women are fascists and socialists by nature. True, many rise above it, but for the Karens and cankles, it is what it is. America's founding fathers understood this, and wisely prohibited them from voting or taking part in the political process in positions of authority. The bible and other religious documents are quite clear on women's place in things too - which is why these wine soaked harridans hate the church and the faith with the heat of 1000 suns.

    Putting that genie back in the bottle will require bloodshed... but at some point it will have to be done.

  6. tut, tut, Borepatch. Can't be having choral racism.


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