Saturday, August 8, 2020

Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris, and Linda Ronstadt - High Sierra

The 1980s was a good time for Country "super groups".  The Highwaymen consisted of Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, and Kris Kristofferson.  Their albums were spectacular, as you'd expect.

Well, the Ladies of Country Music were no slouches either.  Trio was a group that consisted of Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris, and Linda Ronstadt.  Their music was equally spectacular.  Normally in these posts I describe the artists and provide some context to the music.  I really don't think this music - or these performers - need any of that.  Enjoy.

Mom and Dad loved this music.


  1. Would have loved to have seen them and the Highwaymen in the same concert!

  2. Old NFO, holy cow that would have been a concert

  3. Off to Amazon to get the CD, still old fashioned, I know you can download it.
    What great performers!

  4. Speaking of talented female vocalists, I suggest you look up Ksenia Buzina who sings with Leonid and Friends, a Russian cover band, if you will, for Chicago.

    The fact that she sings and speaks in seven languages (including Chinese), is a concert pianist and happens to be strikingly beautiful, may help her career.

  5. I know that groups like Wilson-Phillips and the Dixie Chicks made their mark with their great harmonies, and memorable song lyrics. But neither group, no matter how good they might have been, could hold a candle to the talent that these three posses.
    I have to admit, listening to this song, it was hard to not think of driving home on a Saturday night, from my dad's brother 40 miles away, listening to the Opry, on AM radio, and some of the talented musicians of that day. And just as hard to keep the dust out of my eye.
    Good days, too soon gone. Thanks, Borepatch, for this bit of heaven.


  6. To this day one of my favorite albums.

  7. Libertyman:

    her cover of the Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" is amazing!


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