Wednesday, June 17, 2020

And so they've come for Abraham Lincoln

The Mayor of Boston supports removing the stature of Abraham Lincoln.  It seems that the battle against "Systemic Racism" has now devoured the Great Emancipator himself.

Long time readers will know that I'm not a great fan of Mr. Lincoln, but this is too much even for me.

Or we could just see this as a not-very-smart White Guy trying to figure out how to ride the tiger without getting eaten.


  1. Well, he was a Republican. Admittedly that's when Republicans were Radicals and Democrats were stodgy Conservatives, but that nuance is lost on the uneducated but passionate.


  2. the same silly to extreme "justice warriors" are also attacking
    pancake mix for racist stereotypes.

    We really have hit the PC.... you gotta be kidding.


  3. I wonder if we can get him to confess that he doesn't know who Abraham Lincoln was and "I never met him" like that twit that wants to get rid on Winston Churchill statues?

  4. The reason is that the Boston statue of Lincoln depicts him standing with a slave next to him on his knees. They are objecting to the kneeling slave.

  5. But it's literally a statue of Lincoln... freeing the slaves.

    His post-war plan would have fixed a lot of issues, or at least soothed a lot of issues. But then, well, Ford Theater and VP Johnson becoming President and the whole reconciliation went off the rails into reconstruction and...

    And still the statue of Lenin stands in Seattle.... Grrrr...

  6. Bad News.

    Oxygen was discovered by three white men, who squabbled about who got there first, but didn't kill each other or burn down other people's houses.

    All those with a beef with whiteness or men or both, cease indulging in oxygen; you are submitting to white supremacist mysoginist oppression! As a white man, I can assist you in this endeavour. It would a privilege and a pleasure.

  7. Per Beans's comment: I'm reading Chernow's Grant right now (quite well written). Chernow leans fairly heavily on Edgerton (The Wars of Reconstruction) for his recounting of the Reconstruction period. If factually accurate...well, I have learned some things and they don't make me any happier.

  8. Hey Borepatch;

    I have come to a point where I don't debate with these idiots looking through historical figures and events through modern prism and then cast blame. They are so ideological bound I figure that our future will curse them for the sins of ego that they display today. How is it that I understand that things were different 600 years ago and let it go and accept it that what went 600 years won't work now but it was what they did they did then and rolled with it. but the idiots now can't do that....

  9. The Mayor of Boston also declared " Racisms is a Public health Hazard"

    I assume they are working on a vaccine over at the Harvard School of Medicine' as I write this.

  10. Cast adrift from any moorings of sanity, which by definition is all revolutions of the Left, they always eat themselves.
    Usually including rivers of blood.

    Their mascot should be a snake eating its own tail.

  11. What will be the end result when after there's nothing left to break, burn, or steal, after all the old flags are burned and statues defaced, hidden or pulled down? What happens when all the history books have been sanitized and rewritten?

    Slavery will not end, only chapters of it. It thrives even after all these years, just elsewhere. Nothing we do here will change life in the hell-hole corners of the world. History will not change, it is what it is; we learn from it, or we don't.

    What will not happen, what will only grow and fester, is the idea that "the South will rise again." It will grow around the dinner tables and campfires and in the local bars of the people who believe in it. It will grow with each perceived act of violence and anger against people who think that their America, the one based on Individual and States Rights, is being attacked and destroyed by loudmouth agitators and activist judges.

    Ideas and beliefs are extremely difficult things to kill, and this sad history will unfortunately repeat itself.

  12. @Ken: A few snippets?

    @MrGarabaldi: To some extent we all look at things through our own individual prisms, which involves cultural ones of the times in which we live. But I concur, these people are so bound up in their own victimhood they can't see the battle for what it is.

    Like I tell my younger child: Do you have a nice house? A family that loves you? Electricity, running water, heat, AC, food in the fridge? A car with gas, not having to worry about getting shot at when you go out (at least, at present!). And so on. Then you're luckier than 70-80 percent of people alive today, and 95% or more of people that ever lived.

    Critical Theory has destroyed that perspective, intentionally.

    @Old NFO: Live people. Concuring with @Aesop, when they start to devour their own, not literally (I hope!), they will turn on each other.

    The riddle is how to make sure they tear themselves down without dragging everything else into the darkness.

    @Murphy(AZ): The vlogger Way of the World has a very sad piece up recently that concludes it's time to let the West fall, and then rebuild.


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