Thursday, May 21, 2020

Puff, puff

This is Borepatch, resurfacing.  Life has been busy, and I'm very grateful for co-blogger and Brother-From-Another-Mother ASM826 single handedly keeping the lights on here while I've been otherwise occupied.  Everything is well, but hokey smokes it's been busy.

I'll get back to work here presently.  I guess I better, before the Management here cans me.  You know what a jerk The Management can be ...


  1. Trying times. Total sympathy!

    Blessed Feast of the Ascension.

  2. You were gone? I hadn't noticed.... 'snicker'

  3. Welcome back Borepatch. And while I was starting to wonder if something was wrong, ASM826 has done a superb job filling in. As I've encouraged other bloggers before, it's your blog and you may run it however you see fit. Take breaks, take a vacation, take a sabbatical if you wish. We appreciate all your efforts over the years, and yes, good writing is work!


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