Sunday, April 26, 2020

Get rid of the CDC

How has CDC screwed the pooch?  Let us count the ways ...

Act The First: You don't need no steenkin' test kits!

Via Lawrence (in a fabulous post), Why didn't we get test kits in January?
In essence, the CDC-designed test kit included and extra segment that would have allowed users to include people who had SARS or similar coronaviruses. It’s not clear what the point of this third segment of the test was but the important point is that only the first two segments of the test kit were needed to identify COVID-19.
The addition of the third test segment might not have mattered except that it wound up creating a significant problem. The CDC decided to manufacture the test kids “in house” rather than rely on outside labs. And during that process, the reagents used in the third segment of the test became contaminated. We know this because when the CDC sent out the initial batch of test kits, nearly all of them gave false positives on the third segment.
The effort to create these kits was let by their top expert on respiratory viruses, so this is a first class screw up by the A-Team.  Top.  Men.  And pay no attention to the name of the agency: the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Act The Second: What do you mean, Ebola has reached Dallas?

I mean, we've been sending out happy happy press releases for weeks now:
(CNN) -- A second health care worker at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital who cared for Thomas Eric Duncan has tested positive for Ebola, health officials said Wednesday -- casting further doubt on the hospital's ability to handle Ebola and protect employees.
Meanwhile, CDC supergenius Frieden has decided that maybe sending an actual, y'know, CDC response team, to Dallas immediately might have maybe sort of possibly perhaps been helpful, unlike all that bloviating and reassuring from 1500 miles away with their heads firmly clenched somewhere upstream from their anal sphincter muscle. 
More Frieden jackassery on parade. 
Great work, Frieden. 
Pity about the additional 100+ people now known to be exposed because you and your agency are run like the government equivalent of the Jamaican Bobsled Team, but thanks for the comedy relief.
Top. Men.  And pay no attention to the name of the agency: the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Act The Third: Sorry about that "make patients go cold turkey on their pain meds" thing ...

People put through excruciating withdrawal symptoms because CDC told doctors to stop prescribing?  My bad, Bro:
Last month saw a letter to the CDC, a letter that documented hundreds of patients suffering the adverse consequences of the CDC's guidance.  The letter was signed by hundreds of doctors and nurses.  And suddenly the CDC is stumbling all over itself to "clarify" their 2016 guidance:
Acknowledging the suffering caused by "misinterpretation" of the opioid prescribing guidelines it published in 2016, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) yesterday sought to clarify that it never recommended imposing involuntary dose reductions on chronic pain patients. In a letter to physicians who had objected to that widespread practice, CDC Director Robert Redfield emphasized that his agency "does not endorse mandated or abrupt dose reduction or discontinuation, as these actions can result in patient harm."
Except that's exactly what their guidance had told doctors.  Click through for the gory details, but all I can say is that this is what you get when you have your national health care run by Top Men.

Postscript: How did we get here?

A Charlie Foxtrot this bad doesn't happen by chance, but rather is built brick by brick over the course of decades.  As the old saying goes, enough layers of bureaucracy ensures that disaster is not left to chance.

And if you think I'm being hard on CDC here, check back tomorrow when I describe how CDC will single-handedly collapse the health care system in the United States.  They have Top Men working on it.


  1. As I documented all of that and more in real time, I have zero quibbles with any bit of it.

    We need an agency to do what CDC is supposed to do, but clearly the agency we've got isn't up to the task, nor has been for twenty years or more. This is my shocked face.

    Fire everyone, flog the top five tiers of management, and consider prior employment by the agency to be a positive bar to recruitment or employment by any follow-on agency.

    While you're up, disband the TSA, and treat employment by them as the functional equivalency to a felony conviction in federal court, for employment purposes.

    The nation would be the better for both actions.

    Then do the same thing for the BATFE, the FBI, and the CIA, at minimum, and we'd get 50-90% of our country back rather rapidly.

  2. All the more reason to start listening to independent analysts instead of government bureaucracies with anything.
    Using gov numbers doesn't instill confidence anymore.
    You won't fire them, they're entrenched all the way to the top.

  3. What happened to the CDC is the same as what has happened to every government bureau since government bureaus were created in the deep dark past...

    They become Politicized. The focus of their bureaucracy is all about featherbedding, getting funding from the latest group of elected people and provide a jobs program for political appointees and congressional districts.

    Enough. There are two solutions.

    Decimate the CDC (and the FDA, and the NIH, the EPA and anyone else caught playing political games during this crisis.) And I mean in the Olde Roman Way. Line up every employee above the rank of lab-jockey. Divide all other employees below the top management rank into groups of 10. Have 9 kill the 10th. And kill all top management. And I don't mean fire them. Kill them. Their actions, dicking around, playing politics to make OrangeMan Look Bad, cost lives. Here and elsewhere. Deserving of death.


    Forensically go through every person, every message, and fire anyone who has any taint or whiff of incompetency or politics attached to them. Anyone directly linked to the major fiascos should be terminated and put up for criminal indictments, from manslaughter, to terrorism, to actual murder.

    Tired of this. They were supposed to be the best and brightest. Instead they played f-wordery - f-wordery with the whole of the US of A. Whether by gross incompetence or outright Trump Derangement Syndrom, the whole of the CDC have tainted themselves forever.

    Burn it down. Burn it down to the ground. Salt the earth. Burn it again. Use nuclear sky-fire if you have to.

    They (the CDC and the NIH and the FDA) screwed up the whole no-mask/oops yes-mask thing. The whole quarantine from foreign countries thing. The whole quarantine in-country thing. The test kit thing. The how-do-we-count-CoronaChan-death thing. The use of anti-malarial drugs thing. And so on and so forth.

    Have they done anything correctly from the beginning? No. No, and f-word No.

    Sorry, Aesop, but the squints at Fort Dietrick, Big Pharma and independent labs across the nation and the world all did a better job than the CDC.

    I mean, South Korea offered all the help and information on Corona-Wuhan that they amassed, but that wasn't good enough for our 'Experts.'

    Burn, salt, decimate, fire, prosecute, dissolve, send any good parts of them to various state and local institutions that did a better job.

    They all had one job to do. Protect and Defend These United States of America from diseases and medical syndromes that are harmful to us. And they failed. Failed worse than humanly possible for just incompetence. Only direct enemy action explains their continued failure.

  4. Regulations and not getting burned or being afraid to being burned from the top down is what hampers and keeps your qualified folks from going up as the best and brightest see exactly what fate awaits them. The folks that are qualified to be in charge of things are ever increasingly saddled with folks under them that are dead weights. Performances suffer so folks move out. The smarter folks generally get the fuck out of these positions as the good ones end up taking up the slack for all the ones that are incompetent, lazy, covered over by the unions or are on a fast track to the top because they tickle the right spots and just appear to be bright or motivated enough to do actual -work-. Couple that with absurd lengths of time to get folks in the door which decouples the remaining work force that's of any use and well you see things unfolding the way they always do. Ask me now how I know this?

  5. The average scientist is a button-counting glass polisher. Now add governmental incompetence, laziness, malfeasance, and handcuffing internal processes. Set out in the Atlanta sun for a few decades, periodically blending in diversity hires. Add an unhealthy dollop of "Orange Man Bad", and stir in sullen resentment with "respect my authority".

  6. @Beans,

    "Sorry, Aesop..."
    For what? As if I disagree with one word of that?
    I agree with all of that.
    I've been bagging on the incompetence of the CDC since 2014.
    Calling them assclowns is an insult to assclowns.


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