Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Mitt Romney is a jerk

He says he'll vote to convict Trump.  What a small, petty man.

Of course, we've known he's like that for a long, long time.

Update from ASM826: I had to go back to my old blog to find it, but here's what I thought of Mittens in October of 2012.

If Romney Needs My Vote, He’s Screwed

I got slammed in the comments, told I couldn't be reasoned with. I still like this post, still think we were better off without him.


  1. He's basically a traitor. He's not upholding the laws, agreeing to the fake charges of a kangaroo court, and ignoring his oath of office. A less polite society would have a tar and feather party on his next return.

  2. There were reasons I wouldn't vote for him. He lost and he deserved to lose, I don't care who won. In fact, it might have been far worse if he had won.

  3. So, Mitt Romney voted to impeach, but only on Article One. I guess instead of being a complete asshole, this means he's only a half-assed Senator.

    I would hope that the voters in Utah will settle Mr. Romney's hash and remove him from office at their first possible convenience. Then, perhaps, he might find a church in need of an overwhelming religious pastor, since he's so pious.

  4. When the republicans put McCain up for president, I left the party. Then they put up someone just as bad in 2012! No wonder Obama won; too many people saw no difference between the candidates.

  5. There was a time I would have given you the very hell of it too, ASM. In politics you have winners and losers and to vote for a guaranteed loser...?

    I think they call them ‘accelerationists’. They think the only way to save America is to let it hit rock bottom and anything that hastens that is a good thing.

    The more I see of the antics and nonsense in our govts, who can say anymore. You are absolutely right about lesser evils and about Mitt. Guys like him need to get on board or get out.

  6. Glen,

    Mittens was not the lesser evil, he was the greater. More subtle, supposedly a conservative, and poised to lead the party to vote in a gun control bill similar to the one he enacted in Massachusetts. At least with Pr. Obama there was a clear picture of where he stood on the issues and the other party would not vote with him on some issues.

  7. Mittens needs to go ahead an switch parties... He's NOT a Republican.

  8. Here's what I wrote about mittens back in 2012:

    "Despite cheer-leading from the likes of Kathryn Jean Lopez and Jennifer Rubin, Mitt Romney has always struck me as a phony without any real core convictions except that he should be in charge; sort of the Republican answer to Bill Clinton, without the charm or adultery. Pick an issue and Romney’s been on both sides of it at one time or another. He seems the most likely of all the major candidates to be praised by The New York Times and The Washington Post for “growing” in office. Romney is most likely to disappoint me in caving in to D.C.’s usual free-spending, pork-barrel log-rolling."

  9. Mitts father was governor of Michigan 1963-1969.He enacted a 4.6% income tax in 1967. Never did trust any Romney since. Or the DNC and RNC.

  10. Yeah, I got slammed in the comments of my post, too. Still, this has held up pretty well:

    Rebuilding a party that Reagan might actually recognize is what this country needs - and right now, damn it - and Mitt Romney isn't the man to do it.

    Barack Obama is.

    I'd say that Donald Trump is working on that. Don't know if he'll complete it or not, but Slick Willard wouldn't even have tried.

  11. The House of Romney has always been a collection of entitled Tory (by social standing, if not conviction) drones...

    ...rather like the House of Bush.


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