Thursday, January 16, 2020

Asshattery on display

Gun owners look like they're their own worst enemies - or at least pro-gun organizations are.  Gun Owners of America and VCDL filed suit to block Governor Blackface's ban on weapons at the Virginia statehouse.  While they may be within their rights, this is the kind of thing that can scare the White Folks.  Sure, it's all MUH SECOND AMENDMENT but an undecided voter could very well look at this and wonder if VCDL is really less about public protest and more about public intimidation.

The point is not which viewpoint is right, it's about which will be spun as the narrative by a press that hates guns and hates hates hates gun owners.  The own-goals have begun, and there are still four days left before the protest.

But wait, it gets worse.  If you click through my link above you will get the GOA press release on the subject.  It looks like this has been edited: Brock Townsend has an extended quote that includes this that  seemingly has been edited out of the original:
Northam specifically listed personal protective gear such as helmets and shields as weapons in his order. Of course, these rules don’t apply to the armed state employees who will confront the protesters.

Are you kidding me?  What is Suzy Suburbanite going to think about this?  Are GOA and VCDL suggesting that people going to a "peaceful" protest at the State House should wear protective helmets and carry shields?  Really?


Quite frankly, Suzy Suburbanite will think that these gun nuts are dangerous and maybe Governor Blackface is right to crack down on them, MUH SECOND AMENDMENT or not.  This isn't going to be spin from the biased media, it's going to be straight reporting - and it's going to make gun owners look like dangerous, violent, intimidating nuts.

This is shaping up as a bigger Charlie Foxtrot than I had feared, and I thought it would be pretty bad.  It sure would be nice if GOA and VCDL could take aim at something other than their own damn foot.  Thanks, guys.  Thanks a million.


  1. You've been doing an excellent job of saying what you are against. Exactly what are you FOR in dealing with a rogue governor?

  2. I think you're a bit over the top on your assessment. I believe voters are going to see what happens, rather than your thought that they "the voters you assume" will take this as a negative. On the contrary, I believe that most folks would look at why we, 2A advocates are so passionate about the proposed restrictions. Maybe they'll actually read the Constitution to find out. Maybe they'll find out a lot more about their rights than they were aware of.
    I'm just suggesting a more optimistic way of looking about the matter.
    Just my two cents,

  3. the vcdl still suggests business attire. I don't know where the heck you got that from....and you're wrong. va. gun owners and "white folks" are fed up with the do-nothing nra et al and are grateful SOMEBODY is doing SOMETHING. I for one am tired of worrying about what the "media" says or what the "govt" is going to do. its time to do something even if its "wrong". I can't be there but I applaud all those that are. at least thy have the balls to try, misguided or not. when the govt over-reacts, and they will, i'll be ready with the reserves. i'm putting together two more ar's and an m1903a3 just to thumb my nose at king ralph this weekend. sic semper tyrannis

  4. I'm thinking the protesters need a chant or a theme song. How about "we will rock you"? That would make it a real show.

    Meanwhile, I'll await the results of the recall effort.

  5. Yes, there is asshattery amongst the People of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But this is in response to Major Asshattery amongst the leftists whom Bloomburg and Soros bought.

    Seriously. There would be no asshattery on one side if there wasn't asshattery on the other side first.

    It's like Charlottesville. The asshat righties showed up but the leftist asshats were already wearing helmets, shields, and FACEMASKS which were already illegal in large crowds according to Virginia Law. So which side did everything wrong? According to the media, the leftists and the mayor of Charlottesville, it was the ebil rightwing nazi racist bastiges who were wrong.

    Maybe if the law was enforced as, well, the law, equally, across the board, the evil asshats on the right wouldn't feel the need to go all angry villager on the asshats on the left.

    All the angry asshats on the right want is for the angry asshats on the left to back the fruck off/up/over. To return to pre-asshattery.

    And, really, why is it okay for the asshats on the left to show up in helmets, shields, facemasks (still illegal in Virginia in large crowds if as an attempt to shield one's identity) and fire, rocks, sticks, hammers, bottles of pee, feces, and whatever, all which are 'illegal arms' and allowed to beat up normal citizens, smash and pillage stores, set fire to stuff, block people from voting, and all the other things real NAZIs do?

    Where's everyone's clamorous voices in the Virginia State House and the coastal elites against the constant illegal attacks on normality. On the destruction and removal of Southern heritage? On the massive attacks on Civil Rights by leftists and leftist anarchists. On the massive abuses of individual rights by so called 'liberals' who are actually leftists and leftist anarchists?

    Why did the media report so much about some dumbass bumping a fat toad of a leftist piece of scum and giving her a heart-attack, but not on the leftist pieces of scum who were attacking him and his car?

    Why is asshattery only an exclusive right of the left? Why? Why can't normal people just get so tired and pissed at the stupid evil of the leftists and leftist anarchists that they just, well, go angry villager? Admittedly, angry villager in a so far peaceful and orderly manner, unlike the leftists and leftist anarchists who are acting like monkeys at the zoo, all with extra buckets of poo to fling, and screaming about the same amount, with as much sense, as the monkeys at the zoo?

    Maybe, just maybe, the people who are going to march are just tired. Maybe, just maybe, the people just want the rights that God and God alone gave them. Maybe, just maybe, the people just want to live free.

    And sometimes the only way to live free is to act asshattery...

  6. Lawsuits don't make you look nuts. If they do, then the battle is already lost, let me explain:

    They say that gun owners are crazy because no one wants to take your guns.
    Then they say that gun owners are crazy when the Governor says that he wants to use the National Guard to take their guns and they protest and refuse to turn in their guns.

    So then the Governor backs off and says that gun owners can keep their guns, but only if they put their names on a list, so the Government knows who owns which guns, and then the gun owners decide to march on the Capitol to protest this decree. This also makes them crazy.

    Gun owners then hire lawyers to fight the edict in court, and are again labelled as crazy.

    So what exactly can gun owners do in order to NOT be labelled as crazy? That's easy. Bernie's organizer even told us- they can report to the reeducation camps.

  7. I would also argue that we have been trying to be nice for DECADES. What has it gotten us? Incrementalism.

    Your plan to have deputies has one flaw: It depends on the goodwill of the Sheriff. You are one stacked election away from a Sheriff that will revoke that shiny deputy badge.

    Then what?

    Instead, the line has been drawn. Will that make us look like assholes? Maybe.

    Take a lesson from the past: Refuse to give up the seat on that bus.

  8. riverrider, Helmets and shields are not going to win the "Photo of the Week" contest, not are they "business attire". Someone at GOA looks like they wrote something whining that these were prohibited.

    Suzie Suburban will vote for any gun control that Governor Blackface proposes if the morons show up to the party decked out in that.

    I hope it's not too much to ask that our side not be stupid.

  9. Chuck, if we're going with the Helmets and Shields theme, how about "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor"? At least it would be consistent. If you want a photo op, how about "God Bless America"? One of those is smarter than the other.

    Beans, one of Donald Trump's greatest talents is driving his opponents to the edge of insanity, where they lose. Let's not fall for that - the comment about calling out the National Guard wasn't a slip of the tongue, it was planned to make everyone see red. Let's keep calm and execute a winning strategy, not a losing one.

    Divemedic, I don't mind lawsuits, but you want to pick your battles. There are a bunch of gun bills coming, and keeping your powder dry to block those is a great strategy. Suzy Suburban won't really pay much attention to that, or might even be a little supportive. Going after something that is being spun as "public order against crazy nazis" is a losing strategy as far as winning the voter's hearts and minds. You lose that and we all lose.

  10. Sarthurk, this isn't about passion - undecided voters won't care about our passion. In fact, if the other side successfully paints us as dangerous nuts then all that passion becomes a huge negative. Passionate nuts will be seen as dangerous

  11. Now this is how you fight the PR battle. It's effective because people will see at least a grain of truth in it. That's hard for Governor Blackface to argue, because people are already half convinced.

  12. Suzie Subaru is already voting for the leftists and leftist anarchists already. Why? Because Suzie Subaru already lives, works and breathes light to medium socialism. She already thinks that anyone thinking of voting for Trump is a rightwing nazi fascist scumbag, and can't hear anything that the right says, and won't even believe anything that isn't run through the media's gristmill.

    It's not Suzie Subaru that the people are trying to influence. The people that support the 2A movement...

    Wait. Let me put this in 'Movie/Book' language.

    Suzie Subaru and the rest of her ilk, along with all the leftist politicians, the media, and all the other coastal elite are... CAPITAL DISTRICT.

    The rest of us slope-headed, unwashed, illiterate, inbred idjits? We're all the other DISTRICTS.

    Because, yes, we are living in THE HUNGER GAMES.

    Got that? The CAPITAL DISTRICT (everywhere there is one) sucks the money and materials from the other DISTRICTS and rules the other DISTRICTS with an iron fist. CAPITAL DISTRICT people have no problem not hearing or seeing the TRUTH no matter how much it is in their face, until some people cram it down their stupid, lazy, indolent faces, and then it's the put-upon people that are wrong because CAPITAL DISTRICT.

    There. We can rally and protest in our own DISTRICTS but no one in CAPITAL DISTRICT will ever listen. Only when we poor districters show up in CAPITAL do the people in the CAPITAL DISTRICT even start to listen to us.

    Simple as that. Protesting outside of the state capital is useless, has been useless, will forever be useless. Only by protesting in the center of their elitist scum-filled feces-covered leftist wonder-hole will any of the elitists ever pay any attention.

    It's been too late, since like 1934, to try to reason and rationally debate with the leftist socialists that are trying to strip our rights away from us.

    CAPITAL DISTRICT has ruled and controlled and screwed us over since 1934. And really, it's not just about the 2nd Amendment. By ignoring the 2nd A so blatantly, they show us that other rights and freedoms are going to be overlooked and over-ruled just as easily.

    It's one step away from them, the coastal elitists, forcing us to take 'refugees' into our own homes, or seizing our homes in order to house them (you know, like has already happened in Germany, a model 'socialist' nation.)

    What do you want us to do? We've already tried to reason, to debate, to explain, to act in an honorable fashion since 1934. That's... 75+ years of them taking more and more and more of our 2nd Amendment Rights away from us. And every time, someone says, "Be reasonable, act civilized, don't get riled up because we might lose Suzie Subaru." And how has that worked for us?

  13. So let me get this straight. The government that's led by someone wearing blackface and an alleged rapist is going to listen to us?

    When? When will they listen to us?

  14. BP, you've seemed to accept the theory that the other side won't change their minds. Like I said, not very optimistic.
    Part of being prepared, is to be optimistic.
    Otherwise, what's the point?

  15. Sarthurk, there's 15% on their side, 20% on our side, and 65% undecided. As Napoleon used to say there is a single decisive point on any battlefield; what happens there is everything, what happens elsewhere is irrelevant.

    He was a cold, hard, bastard, but he knew fighting. And politics. We need to make sure that we get the Lion's share of the 65%, and "I'm minding my own business and just want to be left alone" is a winning message as long as we don't show up in motorcycle helmets and carrying shields.

  16. Be patient, be peaceful, but be ready. Be silent, Be respectful. Now is the time for the legal process to proceed. Every piece of legislation introduced by the new legislature in Virginia is headed up the line to the Supremes. Be watchful. See who the loudest, angriest, anti-gunners are, and make note. Once you know who they are, you'll know who to confront, PEACEFULLY, RESPECTFULLY, and in front of friendly cameras.

    Use the Left's own tools against them. EVERY confrontation, no matter how minor, NEEDS to be recorded for your own protection. We already know that the truth means nothing to the Left, they will lie about everything to advance their cause. Videos of what actually happens will serve to get the Truth out to the Undecided, and the Truth will sway them to our cause.

  17. It is nearly impossible for what happens there next week to exceed my expectations for stupidity.

    But the Tard Army has always been a bunch of under-witted overachievers.

    What was it von Moltke said about the "stupid but industrious...?"


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