Saturday, December 21, 2019

Happy Plymouth Rock Day!

399 years ago one of my ancestors landed in Plymouth, Mass.  It's not recorded whether my Indian ancestors were there to greet them.

Oh, yeah, happy Solstice too.  Now it's winter, and it looks like we're all going to get it good and hard this season.


  1. Also have ancestors that got invited to leave Holland, got lost and landed too far north, decided to create a communist society, almost died completely off, rediscovered capitalism and thrived.


    Boy, they'd hate that I was a Papist. Which is okay, because I hate that they started the first American Hippie Commune. (snerk...)

  2. Yours beat mine by a few years... :-)

  3. Hey, Mayflower brother!

    I have one confirmed Mayflower ancestor; I strongly suspect that as I fill out my father's side, I'll find more.

  4. Beans - dirty commie bastards started early!

    Old NFO, not sure if that was european ancestors of yours, or if you have indian blood. If it's the second, then your family may have been here as long (or longer?) than mine?

    NITZAKHON, it's a small world, even after 11 or 12 generations ...

  5. Brrr. You must pay more tax, obvs.

  6. You owe yourself reparations. The 25th would be a good day to get it done.

  7. My clan arrived nine years later, no passports, no papers. We have been here ever since. Legally now, I think.


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