Thursday, August 29, 2019

Well that's your problem right there ...

Yesterday we talked about how a jihadi made himself go all 'splody when his drone-bomb ran low on battery power and automatically returned to where it left from.  Today's tip of the dunce cap goes to some British Army drone pilots who watched the wrong screen, crashing the thing.  Apparently the drone has a rearward facing camera and they were watching their selfie while the drone was flying into the ground.


  1. I think that first link changed. It's not about a 'splody jihadi, it's about a dude who's truck was stolen while he was robbing a store.

  2. This seems like a good place to ask: it's been my impression that "professional grade" drones (as opposed to the jumped-up toys commonly used by You Tubers) are flown via IFR technology as opposed to VFR via onboard camera systems (other than for landing/take off). Not true?


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