Monday, August 26, 2019

Opus 13,000

I've posted 13,000 times (well, with help from co-bloggers ASM826 and Brigid).  In celebration of this milestone, all content tomorrow shall be free of charge.


  1. That's a LOT of posts! Congrats!

  2. Permanent sign in a bar "Free Beer Tomorrow"

    Many thanks for the free posts -- wow!!!

  3. Congratulations!

    My mind boggles. You've been posting lots of "Ten Years Ago" features, so I know you've been blogging more than 10, but how long?

    I'll be at 10 years in six months. It's not much exaggeration to say I've posted 10,000 fewer posts than you. I'm in the low 3200s range, and I post once day almost every day.

  4. SiG, I started at the end of June 2008 so 11 years and a couple months.

    The difference is that your posts are lengthy and detailed (and worth reading, LOL). That's generally too much work for me, although "borepatchian" is an adjective that I sometimes use to refer to my longer posts.


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