Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Yeah, we had it hard when we were kids

I still remember watching the Walt Disney's Wonderful World Color of show (on our black and white TV; I was probably 7 at the time) and the power went out.  When it came back on, the show was over.  Kids these days have it easy.


  1. I remember the peacock when color first came out; but to be honest, even with recorders or the Hopper, if the power goes out, nothing records. 😉

  2. Three magic words: Uninterruptible Power Supply

    Had the VCR and amplified tabletop antenna plugged into one for years, thanks to our Mattel-level electric utility. "We can watch it later if the power comes back on."

  3. Three magic words: Uninterruptible Power Supply

    Had the VCR and amplified tabletop antenna plugged into one for years, thanks to our Mattel-level electric utility. "We can watch it later if the power comes back on."

  4. In the snow. Uphill. Both ways.


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