Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ten year Blogiversary

Dwight has been blogging for ten years and has an excellent retrospective.  You should go and leave a comment congratulating him, but you absolutely should read his thoughts on what it's like to blog regularly over a long time.  A lot don't, or try and drop out.  This is something that I agree strongly with:
I have discovered a few things:
  • The posts that I consider to be short throw-away ones get more attention than the longer ones I put thought into. I believe this is a general principle of blogging that doesn’t have a name. Yet.
  • I’m shocked at how much traffic the list of city council members gets.
  • I seem to have become the go-to guy for obituaries. This gets depressing sometimes, especially when the obituary is for a relatively young person, and most especially when they’ve committed suicide. But I like calling out the people who have meant something to me for some reason, or the people I’ve never heard of who led interesting lives, or the war heros…and, yes, even the criminals who finally went to their just reward.
There's a real art to writing obits, and while Dwight doesn't frequently author them, he has a real talent to finding the ones that are worth reading.  Sharp eyed readers will recognize him as my go-to guy for obits.

But there's a lot of deep thinking in his post, about what the blogosphere means and how it's changed in a decade.  It's a post that I kind of wished I wrote.


  1. "The posts that I consider to be short throw-away ones get more attention than the longer ones I put thought into."

    I've learned the above to be absolutely true. In fact, if I quit posting memes, I suspect my page views would drop 75%.

  2. "Deep thinking" is not something that I feel is commonly associated with me, or my blog posts. But the kind words (and the traffic you throw my way) are very much appreciated, Borepatch.


  3. LOL, yep he's discovered something all of us face... sigh


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