Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Not All Wounds Bleed - A Brigid Guest Post

Thank you Borepatch for letting me post on her now and again.  This a link is to a promotion for my latest book which was a #1 Best Seller on Amazon.

The proceeds are going to - local non-profit run by a young woman at our church that I shoot with our local range.  Her group helps local Veterans with PTSD. She has a full-time job as a senior caregiver in addition to her hours with this group as their President so I greatly admire her efforts and wanted to help.  (not a direct link, cut and paste into your browser window).


  1. You are very welcome, Brigid. This is for a great cause, and anything you post is welcome here!

  2. It's a great book and a great cause!

  3. A great read, as usual
    and Old NFO isn't bad behind the pen either...

  4. Brigid, I sure miss going to your site... You are just such an animal lover that even though I am not a plane lover, I gotta buy that book.

    Fair Winds,

    Cap'n Jan


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