Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Are things abut to get spicy?


  1. Can you take out a life insurance policy on someone you don't even know?

  2. We're not going to get spicy times, but Epstein is about to choke and beat himself to death in solitary confinement, curiously on the same day the video watch camera has an unexplained technical difficulty and the officer is using the rest room.

    Probably because he accidentally tied a sheet around his throat too tight, then pounded his head against the wall to attract attention when he couldn't get the knot untied.

    Happens all the time.

  3. Comes now the story that that former Arkansas Republican House rep who was found dead in her house last month was doing some kind of kiddie pr0n investigation, so of course the Arkancide counters are being incremented.

  4. My favorite so far was from yesterday (paraphrasing, but fairly closely I think): "Bill and I were shocked and saddened by the impending suicide of Jeffrey Epstein. Bill has left the country for a while to recover."


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