Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Tesla Autopilot routinely cuts off other cars

"Using the system is like monitoring a kid behind the wheel for the very first time. As any parent knows, it’s far more convenient and less stressful to simply drive yourself."
- Consumer Reports' Jake Fischer
Absolutely scathing review of Tesla's latest Autopilot software by Consumer Reports.  Sample:
Tesla vehicles have a tendency to cut off other drivers when making lane changes, according to CR's tests. After changing lanes in heavy traffic, the Model 3 "often immediately applies the brakes to create space behind the follow car—this can be a rude surprise to the vehicle you cut off,” Fisher said.
Great.  You car is a big old jerk.

Of course, none of this is a surprise to anyone who's been paying attention.


  1. After changing lanes in heavy traffic, the Model 3 "often immediately applies the brakes to create space behind the follow car—this can be a rude surprise to the vehicle you cut off,” Fisher said.

    Great! About 90% of the dash cam crash videos on YouTube are due to precisely this behavior. Perhaps that is where the Tesla AI learned to drive.

  2. Sigh... It's time to 'cut the off', permanently...

  3. 2021: Tesla autocars released to public.
    January 3rd: 100% mortality rate of drivers of Tesla autocars, due to lead poisoning from lethal injection at upwards of 900fps.
    January 8th: Tesla sued into bankruptcy, cars recalled in toto.

    And this is why we'll never get to Mars.

  4. Hypothesis: AI is an asshole.
    Experiment: AI cuts off and brake checks other vehicles.
    Conclusion: AI is an asshole.

    So AI is like alcohol; it brings out your true character.

    Alright meme generators, Tesla cars should give you plenty of material to work with.


  5. The asshole behavior of Tesla AI reminds me of the Google AI bot that became a Nazi from accessing Twitter.


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