Friday, May 3, 2019

Must read on the culture wars

Aesop has some insights that are a must read.  It's the first defense of Hollywood in the culture war (from our side) that I can remember, and he states his case well.  Predictably some readers take issue with his arguments, and he follows up here.  This is the pull-quote:
You get the culture you build and nurture, and that's what gets you the civilization amidst which you (and generations yet unborn) will live.
Anyone cheering pulling down the Parthenon and burning Notre Dame is a Visigoth, no matter how they dress it up. 
Anyone who can't find $10 once in a blue moon to see a good flick is sure as hell not going to man the barricades and put their own life on the line when a cultural conflagration opens up in earnest. It's like saying I won't pay for a seawall now, but come the day, I'll take a sandbag down to the shore to stop the tsunami.
The part about India and China being long term irrelevant to Hollywood's bottom line was pretty interesting, and another thing I heard first from Aesop.

This is important stuff.  We do well to challenge our own prejudices before the other side does.

1 comment:

  1. Somehow I fail to see the connection between Notre Dame and superhero movies. Other than perhaps as a measure of exactly how degenerate our culture has become.

    No, I am not funding the enemy in order to participate in a cultural event that I would find objectionable even if it weren't the enemy.


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