Thursday, April 11, 2019

Regarding Julian Assange

I posted this at the end of 2013, calling the picture the "picture of the year".  I reproduce the entire post here on the occasion of l'affair Assange.

Offered without comment on l'affair Snowden, as it needs none.

Other than pointing out that Snowden is on the run, and General Clapper (who perjured himself before Congress) is still invited to the Right Sort of parties.


Via some dudes in Germany, who understand what the Stasi was.


  1. I changed my opinion when it leaked that they had a large number of Russian documents that they refused to release (and that Wikileaks is/was running on Russian servers).

    Assange was probably running a false-flag operation. That Putin is concerned about Assange's rights being respected suggests that there is some truth to it.

  2. I am old, but not quite senile.
    I lived history, so I remember as a young man the publication of The Pentagon Papers byThe New York Times in 1971.
    This was of great importance to me as I had spent my teen years watching the body count coming out of Vietnam, nightly, on the evening news.
    My number was up, literally, and perhaps figuratively.
    Now I learn that we have been lied to and ill served by our politicians and generals.
    No wonder "Question Authority" was a popular bumper sticker in that time.

    The Pentagon Papers were "stolen" (copied) by Daniel Ellsberg, an employee of the Defense Department and given to the NYT for publication.

    The only difference I see in the Manning/Wikileaks and the Ellsberg/NYT situation is that Wikileaks was not even an American entity and the media was published on the Internet instead of newsprint.
    Oh, and the fact that Wikileaks made Hillary look bad through other revelations.

  3. Addendum:
    I know you were referencing Snowden, but the Assange arrest is now making headlines and the Manning/Wikileaks
    Is, also, related to your point.


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