Saturday, April 20, 2019

Eric Church - Like Jesus Does

Out of the crooked timber that is Man, nothing straight was ever built.
- Immanuel Kant
Bless me, Father, for I have been a Dumb Ass.  It's happened over and over again, throughout all my years on Planet Earth.  I fear that this will continue throughout the rest of my days.

But I'm lucky that I have The Queen Of The World.  No matter what the next Dumbassery, she is there as this world's manifestation of the gift of Grace for me.  She is the Lighthouse that always provides me a beacon in the dark.  It's quite amazing, really.
But she carries me, when my sins make me heavy,
And she loves me like Jesus does.
Easter is an old, old holy day.  It dates back to when christianity was just a tiny group of believers in a vast and unfriendly Roman Empire.  And yet it took over that empire despite the long odds.  I think that the reason is that from the very beginning, the story told by the christian church was about Grace.

None of us is as strong as we would like; all of us need that Grace to keep us from sinking, at least from time to time.  That gift of Grace took the Roman Empire by storm, and is one that I see here today.  The Queen Of The World shows it to me.  It's the gift she gives not when I deserve it, but when I don't deserve it.  And therein lies its power.
Yeah, she knows the man I ain't,
She forgives me when I can't
That's a precious gift to me.  It is in those moments that the spirit of Easter surrounds me.  It may even be that I'm a Dumb Ass as much as I am because I like that moment of Grace from her.  In a sense, it's always Easter here at Castle Borepatch, thanks to The Queen Of The World.
Always thought she'd give up on me one day,
Wash her hands of me, leave me staring down some runway,
Yeah, I thank God each night, and twice on Sunday,
That she loves me like Jesus does.
This Easter weekend you are as lucky as I am.  Well you don't have The Queen Of The World so you're not quite as lucky as I am, but you have that gift of Grace.  That gift doesn't give up on you some day because you've been a Dumb Ass once too many times.  That gift carries you when you when your sins make you heavy.  That gift forgives you when you can't.  We're surrounded by Grace, if we'll just open our eyes. Songs like this tell us some of the places to look, if we dare.


She Loves Me Like Jesus Does (Songwriters: Casey Beathard, Monty Criswell)
I'm a long gone Waylon song on vinyl, 
I'm a backroad sinner at a tent revival, 
She believes in me like she believes her bible, 
And loves me like Jesus does.

I'm a lead foot leaning on a suped up Chevy, 
I'm a good ol' boy, drinking whiskey and rye on the levee, 
But she carries me, when my sins make me heavy, 
And she loves me like Jesus does.

All the crazy in my dreams, 
Both my broken wings, 
Every single piece of everything I am, 
Yeah, she knows the man I ain't, 
She forgives me when I can't, 
That devil man, he don't stand a chance, 
Cause she loves me like Jesus does.

Always thought she'd give up on me one day, 
Wash her hands of me, leave me staring down some runway, 
But, I thank God each night, and twice on Sunday, 
That she loves me like Jesus does.

All the crazy in my dreams, 
And both my broken wings, 
Every single piece of who I am, 
Yeah, she knows the man I ain't, 
She forgives me when I can't, 
And the devil man, no, he don't have a prayer. 
Cause she loves me like Jesus does

Yeah, she knows the man I ain't, 
She forgives me when I can't, 
That devil man, he don't stand a chance, 
Cause she loves me like Jesus does.

I'm a long gone Waylon song on vinyl

I'm a lucky man.  The Queen Of The World is there to give me that gift of Grace when I need it.  Even when I don't deserve it - especially when I don't deserve it.  She reminds me of what this weekend is all about.  That's a neat trick, right there.

Grace is something you can never get but can only be given. There's no way to earn it or deserve it or bring it about any more than you can deserve the taste of raspberries and cream or earn good looks or bring about your own birth.  
A crucial eccentricity of the Christian faith is the assertion that people are saved by grace. There's nothing you have to do. There's nothing you have to do. There's nothing you have to do. 
There's only one catch. Like any other gift, the gift of grace can only be yours if you'll reach out and take it.

- Frederick Buechner, Beyond Words: Daily Readings in the ABC's of Faith


  1. You are indeed a lucky man.

    I can only guess what prompted the admission of dumbassery !

    Nice tune by the way. I like how he makes "ain't" and "can't" rhyme -- just like it is supposed to in certain parts!

  2. Libertyman, there's nothing recent. But the Easter weekend made me think on all the dumassery I've inflicted on her over the years, and how she loves me anyway.

    I'm not a huge Eric Church fan, but this song is a good one.

  3. You are indeed fortunate. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. I believe that Fortune (i.e. God Himself) smiled on you with the QOTW. And your confession of the grace she shows is precious.... Well done that you see it and say something.

    I miss the grace that my missus had. It was edged in iron usually, but it was there nontheless...

    Crooked timber is pretty good description of me. A very inspiring read this morning... Thank you.

  4. STxAR, thank you. I'm sorry about your missus.

  5. I hope you're doing well! Peace.

  6. The Death, Trip to Hell, and the Resurrection are just the end journey of He who announced our adulthood in the eyes of God.

    No more Old Testament Thou Shalt Nots or such. More... think about it and learn.

    A priest of my acquaintance said, once, on a high school trip, that one can lead a sinful life, but if one learns from his/her sins, and if one tries not to repeat said sins, and if one is truly repentant, then that means as much to God as those who don't sin at all.

    And, well, sounds like you've found an excellent reason for introspection and reflection and attempting to grow your soul.

    So do I. She's saved me from myself.

  7. The Resurrection gave us permission to eat bacon.
    There is a God in heaven.

  8. And a Happy Easter back to you and the Missus, BP. :)


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