Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Link Dump

Here are some things that are all interesting, but none of which tipped the scales for a stand alone post.

Uber will not face criminal charges for Elaine Herzberg's death.  The DA is still deciding about charges for the driver, who seems to have been streaming TV to her phone instead of looking at the road when the fatal crash happened.  Uber has already settled for an undisclosed sum with Herzberg's family.

The pull quote from that article?  An email from an Uber developer: "We shouldn't be hitting things every 15,000 miles."  Gee, ya think?

I'm not a prepper but I now that some of you are.  This is an interesting post on someone starting a garden with a view to long term SHTF survivability.  Seed storage lifetime and time from planting to harvest are covered, along with how squash will cross into new types that may or may not be long term productive.  It's probably not a lot of new info for hard core preppers but is a good quick introduction.

Did you ever wonder how the Internet works?  How do messages get delivered?  This is a quite accessible (although slightly technical) overview.

The great unpublished story about how oil exploration has been revolutionized (and killed "peak oil") has an unlikely angle: gravity.  This is simply fascinating.  It appears that we can "see" oil deposits wherever they are on the planet.  Now this is the 21st Century that I had been promised.

And an update to yesterday's post about NSA discontinuing its mass surveillance program (maybe):


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