Monday, March 4, 2019

Fear and loathing at MIT

Aaron emails to say that climate scientist Michael Mann (of Hockey Stick fame) will be giving a presentation at MIT on Wednesday evening:
The Madhouse Effect
How climate change denial is threatening our planet, destroying our politics, and driving us crazy 
Free & open to the public | Refreshments served
Can't attend in person? Watch it on Facebook live or on-demand on YouTube.
Can't attend in person? Watch it on Facebook live or on-demand on YouTube.
Always good to see distinguished scientists calling their opponents "deniers" and then complaining that politics has been destroyed and it's driving him nuts.  Remember, these are Very Distinguished Scientists™.


  1. I assume Dr. Hockeyschtick wouldn't go to MIT (or anywhere) to give a talk if he didn't believe he'd have a friendly reception.

    Is there reason to think the students there haven't been thoroughly indoctrinated?

  2. To somewhat correct SiGraybeard (sorry...)

    "I assume Dr. Hockeschtich wouldn't go to MIT (or anywhere) to give a talk if he doesn't believe he'll be paid for it.

    Climate Whatever - It's all about the Benjamins (and foreign bank accounts.)

    There would be no indoctrination if there wasn't some fiscal or material reward for the indoctrinator.

    Now if someone would just make a religion about saving the world (wait, what? Scientology? Nawwwwww…)

  3. I keep hearing people give Mann applause, but I don't see what he has actually done besides bamboozle lots of people with his climate malarkey...


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