Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Police corruption in Houston

Lawrence has a very interesting update on the "no knock" raid in Houston that went catastrophically wrong: both homeowners dead and five officers wounded.  It's long and detailed (spoiler alert: it appears that one of the Undercover officers made the whole thing up, lied to the Court to get the warrant, and that this isn't the first time he's done it).  Here's his sum up, but you should read the whole thing:
So it turns out that two people died and five cops were shot in a no-knock raid of an alleged dealer’s house where no significant narcotics were found on information provided by, well, possibly no one. Something obviously stinks here.
There's no word that describes this other than "appalling".  Prosecutions should result.


  1. A lot of this comes back on Acevado too. He left CHP ahead of a criminal investigation and charges...

  2. Texas is a great state ... Houston? Not so much...
    The elected officials there seem to be trying to see how much they can screw up and get bad publicity!

  3. What is missing from this story? Why would the cop make up a reason for a warrant? Did he buy a used car from the guy that turned out to be a lemon?


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