Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Linky, not Thinky

Several items are worth your time.

I hadn't known that not only could you actually go into King Tut's tomb, but that it had been restored.

The Red Sox and the New York Yankees are perhaps the greatest rivalry in Baseball.  It's cats and dogs, oil and water.  So it's a pretty strong statement of character when a died in the wool Sox fan meets Mariano Rivera.  As a Sox fan, I have to agree - Rivera has always been 100% class.

The EPA's newest science advisor is John Christy.  He runs the UAH satellite climate database - in my opinion the gold standard of temperature accuracy.  This seems like a very good sign.


  1. I would submit that the Cardinals/Cubs rivalry is every bit as great as the Red Sox/Yankees rivalry, but I absolutely agree that Rivera has always been 100% class.

  2. I could not let it go by without saying that Rivera has been a great ambassador for baseball, in my eyes as well. A real gentleman, in a sport that used to be a gentleman's game. The fact that he never was the hard throwing pitcher and still was able to get major league hitters out is a testament to his prowess. I am not sure how high his fastball topped out when he was young, but at the end, I think he was only throwing about 85-87 mph. I could throw that hard during my senior year of highschool. I was not a pitcher, but an outfielder, however. There is a big difference between the two. I could throw hard enough, but without any movement, I was not a pitcher. If you stand behind the plate at a MLB game, and watch the ball after it leaves the pitchers hand, it might start out 6 inches outside, but end up a foot inside, and that is on a plain old fastball. The fastball that a pitcher throws that goes straight also goes straight on it's way back out to the bleachers for a home run. Very few pitchers are able to have movement on their pitches the way that is needed to make it in the big leagues, and that is why Riveria was so special. He didn't rely on speed to get hitters out, but on how he held the ball and released it, he could make it move in ways that he wanted it to. That is why he was the only pitcher to be elected on the first ballot with a unanimous vote. And well deserved.


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