Tuesday, February 26, 2019

I'll drive an electric car when the police drive them

A lot of people resist the idea of "smart gun" technology that the Police won't use, you should be suspicious of electric cars (coming soon in a Green New Deal near you!) if the Police don't drive them:
RIVERSIDE — A probationer who led Riverside police officers on a dangerous, high-speed pursuit in a luxury electric sports car was arrested after the plug-in car’s batteries died Sunday night, Feb. 17. The pursuit, which wound its way from Riverside’s Eastside neighborhood into Orange County, ended in a felony stop on the 91 Freeway.
The owner had an app on his phone that let him track the car's location in real time.  He relayed this info to the Police, who kept the thief on the run until the car's battery died.  Of course, the bad guy looks pretty much like what you'd expect:

Now it's great that the thief was caught but the point is that a lot of folks want to mandate the use of electric vehicles without really giving much thought for what people need or want.  If these cars are such a great idea, why aren't Police cruisers battery powered?


  1. I'll still be driving IC as long as I can work on 'em.

  2. Squirrel headquarters once got us a tiny hybrid car that didn't have a bed or a trunk. The fact that we couldn't fit 2 of us and our gear in there was a moot point. We were hauling out human remains. Let's just stow those in the little space for groceries behind the back seat.

  3. Even a psychobilly band gets it-

  4. In the towns where I've been integrated enough to know local police personnel, the same cars tend to be used by all shifts. They may get turned off when officers go into a premises, but when patrolling - or even sitting unmoving for extended times such as for sitting in a speed-trap or surveillance – the engine is running all the time to provide climate-control for the occupants and power for the electronics.

    Last I checked, most electric vehicles used for that sort of duty cycle have a pantograph and can only go where there are overhead power-cables for them.

    I lived in a country the used to boast it had more registered battery-electric vehicles than the rest of the world combined (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_float#Statistics), but the majority of these were delivery-vans for a one-route-each-morning cycle. It wouldn't really work for Fed-Ex or UPS with an 8:45AM-until-the-truck-is-empty shift length. So I don't think battery-electric is practical for police patrol cars either. Although aparrently Denver, LA, and Fremont are using them as such.

  5. I'm surprised there are no visible tattoos!

  6. There you go again, asking those pesky questions... :-)


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