Thursday, October 4, 2018

Tab clearing

Lots of good stuff that is worth your attention:

Epic rant is epic.  Aesop brings it.  Long - almost Borepatchian in length - but is a must read.

The "Opiod Epidemic" explained.  The stupid War On Drugs is killing more Americans than the Nazis did in that war.  And since it enriches police departments and gives idiot Congresscritters tons of chances to mug for the cameras, we'll never get a sane policy.

Funeral of 92 year old Bletchley Park codebreaker.  She married an American and lived out her life in Nebraska, keeping her part in the "Ultra Secret" Enigma decoding project secret.  Good on the UK for giving her Military Honors at her funeral.  (Hat tip: Chris Lynch)

Home Owner's Association doesn't like man's Sherman Tank.  Man tells them "Come and tow it, bitches!"  'Murica!


  1. It's interesting, how we suddenly have an "opioid crisis", now that recreational and medicinal MJ is starting to get legalized here and there.

  2. "It's interesting, how we suddenly have an "opioid crisis", now that recreational and medicinal MJ is starting to get legalized here and there."

    Sort of like how we suddenly had reefer madness when Prohibition ended.


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