Friday, September 28, 2018

Update on North Carolina being the Massachusetts of Dixie

Remember the woman who saved people's pets during hurricane Florence?  Remember how the NC authorities shut her down and arrested her because she didn't have a permit?  Well, they backed off and dismissed all charges:
A local district attorney's office has dropped charges against a North Carolina woman who was arrested after she took in dozens of pets during Hurricane Florence. Tammie Hedges, founder of Crazy's Claws N Paws animal rescue, was accused of running an illegal veterinary operation before authorities confiscated the animals. Prosecutors decided to toss out the charges on Tuesday. 
Hedges sheltered 10 dogs and 17 cats in a warehouse that she was in the process of converting into a shelter, according to CBS affiliate WNCN-TV. She had been charged with 12 counts of misdemeanor "practice/attempt veterinary medicine without a license." Wayne County District Attorney Matthew Delbridge said in a statement that he was dismissing the charges to "minimize further distraction from my core mission of protecting the public from violent crime."
Gee, ya think?  Betcha got more than a few angry calls and letters on this, didn't ya, Scooter?
However, he noted, "A passion for and the love of animals is laudable but does not excuse unnecessarily putting their health at risk when other, safer resources are available." He said the building failed to meet standards for an animal shelter and that "this defendant... has previously been censured for the unauthorized practice of veterinary medicine."
Damn.  WTF is wrong with these Statist Pricks in North Carolina.  Oops, I think I let the cat out of the bag in the post title.

Hopefully the good citizens of Wayne County will vote this sumbitch out at the earliest opportunity.

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