Monday, September 3, 2018

Epic trolling is epic

The lunatics at PETA have rented a billboard in Maryland, with a message aimed at convincing the good citizens not to eat the local delicacy blue crab.  The caption is "I'm ME, not Meat".  Well it took only a blink of an eye before an adjacent billboard went up mocking the PETA loons.

Whoever you are, Mr. Billboard Man, a grateful Internet thanks you.


  1. Not to mention that blue crab is seafood. Closer to fish? Good with any spice. ;-)

  2. Note cloud lower right of frame, billboard structure, building in lower left, and wrinkles on the left end of the billboard.

    Note also that no primary sources claim that the second billboard was on display anywhere viewable by public.

    It is clever and amusing. I don't think anyone has moved it beyond "concept" rendered in an editing program, however.

  3. Snerk... Same bulls**t billboard, but damn good photoshop!

  4. I love that. And Maryland crab. And Old Bay.

  5. I read on some blog that the sea food joint went on a PETA rampage on Twatter, and the vegetarians caught the very hell of it.


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