Saturday, July 7, 2018

I wasn't born for digging deep holes

A friend is putting in a fence and so Wolfgang and I went over to help him dig post holes.  Since Home Depot wanted $100 to rent a two man auger, we did it old school, with a posthole digger.  All in all, we knocked it out pretty well.  Wolfgang was, as you can imagine, a big help.  He somehow managed to drop his frisbee into one of the two foot holes.  He sure wanted that frisbee, because he stuck his head down the hole to get it.

Yeah, he's a big dog.  But while it's good to help a friend, it reminded me that I'm not 40 anymore.


  1. 100$ sounds pretty reasonable.

  2. Yeah, I'd have paid too... I'm WAY too old for that much hole digging... sigh

  3. It sounds like you'd both be feeling better if you had just rented it.

  4. Ratus, you can't put a price on pride.

  5. I can. Right now it's a hundred dollars.

  6. I take considerable pride in my ability to wield a shovel efficiently. Of course, it is exactly what my forebears left Europe to avoid doing!

    If it stays under 80 I can dig all day.

    That being said, you could do the job faster with the rental and spend the rest of the day doing other productive things...


  7. Which is exactly why we rented the auger when we did our fence lol

  8. Did Wolfgang get his frisbee back?

  9. A Reader, he did. He stuck his whole head down the hole and grabbed it.


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