Friday, January 19, 2018

This Will be Next - A Brigid Guest Post

I am married to a millennial (insert cougar joke here). He's pretty smart, had a patent on something most of you have in your home when he turned 30, doesn't buy Lester's ammo, and always admits he's wrong when my red hair is on fire.  I've yet to see him ingest laundry detergent but I think he ate a fried bug in Vietnam once.

With all the viral idiocy of the Tide Pod Challenge I can only imagine that this will be next.


  1. I can only say I hope Darwin claims his share...

  2. Wow... LOL And you just got a young one so you could train him right! :-D

  3. Some donut shop in Indiana is already making "tide pod" decorated donuts.

    Hat tip for marketing skilz but the issue is not kids )and adults?) that put anything colorful in their mouths, that has been going on since the dawn of the human race. I mean how else do we learn what potentially edible thing kills us and what does not. No, it is dangerously defective parenting (or half that in many cases).

  4. Old NFO - I got a young one (he was 24 when we met, I was 49). We'd been together a long while but I married him when he showed me to get rid of Windows 8.


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