Friday, January 5, 2018

A Public Service Announcement

Folks, it's called a "Nor'easter".  "Bomb Cyclone" is just clickbait.  I grew up in Maine, and we had these all the time.  Yes, it's cold and snowy - it's winter.  This isn't worse that 1978, or 1996.  Saying this is "Climate Change" is idiotic: we've seen this over and over again for as long as people have been keeping records.  Weather, not climate, folks.

You'd expect people to act like they've been here before ...


  1. I don't know, Borepatch. Next thing you'll be saying that a hurricane every few years in Florida or every 20 or years in New York is to be expected.

  2. I lived for twelve years on Central Oregon Coast.
    I could see the ocean through the kitchen window.
    Wind speed, during the winter, often exceeded 80 MPH.
    Some people installed roll down/up storm shutters over their large windows or plywooded over them before the big storms hit.
    The bridges would be shut down.
    The were two occasions, during those years, that the wind speed exceeded 100 MPH.
    We were pretty nonchalant about MOST storms.
    Storm watching as actually a "thing."
    We found it amusing when people of other coast panicked at 70 MPH winds.
    You are right.
    It is weather and has been happening as such for millennia.

  3. Who are people supposed to believe? The media or their own lying eyes (and memories)?

  4. There was news articles about coastal Boston area flooding, couple feet deep in half frozen sea water. And interviews with folks about how they'd lived here for YEARS and never saw flooding like this before!!!!111!!!! And I rolled my eyes. I grew up out there (though not on the coast thank god), and while sure it didn't happen every winter, it happened often enough.....

  5. Nor'easters, I know. All this stupid stuff they come up with now, for naming the weather, really annoys me.

  6. I always feel sorry for the little birds and critters that have to live through this outdoors. But then, this situation is hardly unique.

  7. Californians are still surprised by the fires every fall and the rains (with flooding and mudslides) every winter. It's almost like California is a desert with a seasonal monsoon, and people who never seem to learn or remember anything.

  8. Not JUST climate change.....ZOMG ANTHROPOGENIC climate change ELEVENTY FOR TEH CHILDREN!!!!!


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