Monday, December 25, 2017

Puppy Loot

Wolfgang hopes you got squeaky toys, too.


  1. Aww 8-)

    Patrick here didn't get toys as hes not really interested in them, but trimmings from the Prime rib roast and a small slab of said roast was just as good for him.

    To you and yours and the furry ones too, Merry Christmas Borepatch!

  2. Is that an official Shari Lewis Lamb Chop? Never seen her in blue, but maybe it's just cold where you are.

  3. Cleo is terrified of squeaky toys. This from a dog who will challenge a moose or a pack of coyotes.

  4. Ref T, it is indeed. A squeaky one. And Wolfgang seems to like blue toys, not sure why.

    But it is cold here. :-/


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