Saturday, June 10, 2017

Bryan Lewis - I Think My Dog's a Democrat

Oh, Lord, this is funny.  And I say that as someone who grew up a Democrat and even held elective office in the county Democratic Party in the 1970s.  But that was a long, long time ago when the Party was very different from what it is now.

I Think My Dog's a Democrat (Songwriter: Bryan Lewis)
Well, I think my dog's a democrat
And it breaks my heart
To have to say
An ugly thing like that
But there's a big old pile of evidence
That all points toward the facts
My dog might be a democrat

I pay for all his health care
And I buy everything he eats
I provide him with a place to live
Just to keep him off the streets
But he just acts like he's entitled
Even tried to unionize the cat
Yeah, I think my dog's a democrat

He chewed up the Constitution
That I keep on display
And every time Benghazi's on TV
He looks the other way
("What difference, at this point, does it make")
I know he's a liberal
Even if he won't admit it
He pooped on my living room rug
And tried to tell me George Bush did it

He ain't got no papers
And what really gets my goat
Is if he could find to write it down
Well, I know they'd let him vote
Sure we've had some good times
He's been fun to have around
But if he ever barks
About my right to bear arms
I'm gonna have to have him put down

(Who's a good boy?)
(Who's a good boy?)

I pay for all his health care
And I buy everything he eats
I provide him with a place to live
Just to keep him off the streets
You'd have to be a Socialist
To ever act like that
So my dog must be a democrat

His behavior has been hidden
His mom might be Mrs. Clinton
Yeah, I thing my dog's a
Flea-bitten democrat

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