Thursday, May 25, 2017

I went to the woods

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
- Henry David Thoreau, Walden

We went to the woods, the Queen of the World and I.  There we met co-blogger and brother-from-another-mother ASM826 and Mrs. ASM826.

There is a peacefulness in the woods that is hard to capture anywhere else.  Cooking over the open fire, sleeping under canvas (well, what passes for it in these space age days), watching bald eagles fishing, not looking at your email or even posting for a whole weekend.  Living, in Mr. Thoreau's words, deliberately.

It was awesome.

And driving back home not via I-95 and the never ending bottleneck from Fredericksburg to Springfield, that was pretty awesome too.


  1. Been a long time since I slept under canvas. The wall tents at summer camp when I was a Scout leader, I think.

  2. Well to be honest, good ol' Thoreau only partially went to the woods. Any time he felt like it, he went into town and mooched from his friends. And like a typical Socialist, he was a frequent moocher...

  3. Yeah hdt was a poser.

    Some day, ted, you should get yourself out of the woods and into the wilderness.

    Nothing like the feeling of being two days walk from the middle of nowhere. The mountain trout taste so good.

  4. Glad y'all were able to pull it together! Getting away is getting harder and harder to do.

  5. That's a wonderful way to spend time - especially with dear friends.


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