Thursday, July 7, 2016

Smartest Kids in Class

Spotted by the Queen Of The World.  You could add that she takes money from foreign governments that deny rights to women and execute homosexuals, but there isn't room for all the hypocrisy in the caption.

1 comment:

  1. There appear to be to be five possibilities for why Come backed off.
    1 there was no crime - not true
    2 there was insufficient evidence to prosecute - his diatribe on her actions suggests otherwise
    3 personal interest - he was bought off, or he's rabidly partisan enough to abdicate his responsibility
    4 national interest - he worked out or was informed of the enormity of the consequences to the nation if he recommended prosecution.
    5 personal survival - he or his family were threatened.
    #4 still points to character - follow the evidence and do the right thing....surely the short term damage would be less than the long term consequences of sweeping it under the rug.
    #5 also points to character. Threaten the family of a righteous man and you'd better keep one eye open at all times.....or just kill him like all the others.....
    Yeats Second Coming seems apt these days.


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