Monday, March 14, 2016

So would the establishment assassinate Donald Trump?

I find that idea hard to believe, although they sure seem to hate his guts.  However, after the riot shutting down his Chicago rally, we will have to see how things develop.  Things have a way of getting out of hand when you think of the mob.

That said, so I think that many in the establishment would be sorry if this came to pass?  No.

The question is, during an election where the establishment is held in contempt by many of the voters, how would the country react?


  1. As far as I am concerned, that would mark the official opening of pig hunting season. It is THEY who enable the sewage.

  2. Ann Althouse posts a link to a piece by Dilbert creator Scott Adams talking about this very subject.

  3. I really don't think they would like the reaction... Just sayin...

  4. Think back to June 1968 . . . the tension was about the same with the election at full throttle. Anger at the growth of our involvement in Vietnam, tensions very high in the Mideast with the 6-day war less than a year in the past . . . and Bobby Kennedy on his way to an easy win. It took seconds for a Muslim to change the direction of the election. Fast forward to August and you have Mayor Daley issuing a shoot to kill order during the DNC convention. It takes but a single insane person to cross the line . . . one that's been crossed by thousands in Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago, LA, . . . is it possible that someone takes a serious run at Trump . . . or Cruz . . . or some other contender? Personally, I will be surprised if that does not happen.

  5. The GOPe secret weapon is Mario or Romney.

    And why would the Democrats, he is of the body.

  6. His parents were dead, Ratus. And he BOUGHT the Clintons. Do you think his new wife was not impressed by having the former president at their wedding???

  7. Sirhan Sirhan was a Palestinian holding Jordanian citizenship, but he wasn't a Muslim (at least not in 1968). He was a Palestinian Christian. He consistently stated that his reason for shooting RFK was Bobby's support of Israel, and not Islam. (Of course, this doesn't excuse either him or the violent Muslims of today. I'm just setting the record straight.)
    I don't know what he is now.


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