Thursday, January 14, 2016

R.I.P. Alan Rickman

Well, damn.

He was one of my favorite actors for years.  Truly, Madly, Deeply is a great performance of his from back in the Die Hard/Robin Hood days, but one that shows a depth that he carried with him throughout his career.  If you haven't seen that film, you're in for a treat.

Oh, yeah - I loved him in Galaxy Quest, too.

Thanks for the great performances, Alan - including this one which I've posted several times before but which assumes a particular poignance today.


  1. If you haven't seen it, rent "Bottle Shock". It's the story of the 1976 "Judgement of Paris", the first time a California wine took won a blind tasting in France.

    The scene where Rickman is sitting in his car with a bucket of KFC... and the bit at the airport... simply hilarious! I can't think of ANY other actor who could have done better.

    Thank you, Mr. Rickman. May "flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!"

  2. The end of Quigley Down Under, when Tom Sellick tells him you ain't Bill Hickock.

  3. The end of Quigley Down Under, when Tom Sellick tells him you ain't Bill Hickock.

  4. He played an arrogant SOB very well. He will be missed.

  5. Does anyone else think he looks like Kyle Ren's real father?


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