Wednesday, September 23, 2015

How do you know that it's time to update Adobe Flash?

Because it's a day who's name ends in "day":
Adobe has released a critical software update to fix nearly two-dozen security holes in itsFlash Player browser plugin. Separately, I want to take a moment to encourage users who have Adobe Shockwave Player installed to finally junk this program; turns out Shockwave — which comes with its own version of Flash — is still many versions behind in bundling the latest Flash fixes.
brokenflash-aIf you use and need Flash Player, it’s time to update the program (the latest version is for Windows and Mac users). Google Chrome and Internet Explorer bundle their own versions of Flash (also now at v.; each should auto-update to the latest. Find out if you have Flash installed and its current version number by visiting this page.
Flash, of course, if the software that makes Internet video work, so basically all y'all are running it.  Scamper off to the Adobe link and get you some security goodness.

And if you're running Shockwave, you really should stop.  It's a sucking chest wound of security fail.


  1. And the Flash plugin for Linux is many versions behind... but at least it's still being *somewhat* maintained, unlike Acrobat.
    Isn't it amazing the system privileges these programs need, to play videos and display documents?
    In order to display a formatted text file on your screen, this application needs the ability to reconfigure your kernel, read your geographic location, change your network filter settings, rummage through your e-mail contact list, use your PGP private key, and make unlimited calls to our 900 number in the Bahamas. OK? (Yes / Yes)


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