Thursday, September 24, 2015

Friends don't let friends upgrade to Windows 10

Seriously, they don't.


  1. So far, every person I know who has "upgraded" to Win10 has had problems.

    LOTS of problems.

    Time to start teaching my friends how to use Linux....

  2. I'm running it. It doesn't suck... well, it actually DOES suck, but I'm hoping that Microsoft will see this post and give me something free in return for saying that it doesn't suck.

    So, it doesn't suck.

    I have to go now... I'm feeling nauseous...

  3. I found it a very easy upgrade for the desktop from 7 to 10 and it seems to run better as a result. So long as you police the privacy settings it's ok.

    On the other hand it will not run the upgrade on a newer but cheap laptop with Windows 8 that badly needs it to be halfway usable. It just hangs as 'Getting some things ready" and nothing.

    So we're at a 50% success rate but when it works it's pretty nice.

  4. And they would be right BP.

    I'll just leave this here...

  5. My FIL likes it better than the Windows 8 that came preloaded onto his computer. But he's about as non-techie as it gets.....

  6. I could smack my FIL for recommending the upgrade to a Luddite aunt.

  7. Why are you still screwing around with Microsoft for FILs and aunts and such? Yes, there are SOME programs which only run on Bill's Box. And if you HAVE to use any of those, you are indeed stuck. But for 99% of the world, who merely use it for e-mail and browsing, Linux in any of several flavors is generally better than Microsoft, especially for newbies. Ubuntu comes with Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice (think Word, Excel, and Powerpoint) and Shotwell for photo management. I'm not familiar with Linux Mint, but have heard good reviews of that as well. I have installed Ubuntu on a bunch of computers for friends, and have FAR less problems to solve than I ever did when setting up Microsoft boxes for them.

  8. Matism: cause they refuse to let us switch them over.....


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