Tuesday, August 4, 2015

What will Obama's climate policy do to your electricity rates?

Quadruple them.  How do we know?  Because he said he wants the USA to get 28% of its electricity from renewables (vs. the current 4%)*.  There are multiple countries in Europe who get 30% of their electricity from renewables.  Guess what their electricity costs (and no fair peeking at the title of this blog post).

* The plan seems to exclude hydro power, which provides some more of our electricity.


  1. Great minds think a like, I posted a similar post this morning myself. I would be going back to wood heating, but that is illegal now too, sigh...

  2. "Fundamental Change" as he said.

    Changing us from the most powerful, most productive nation in history to a 3rd world shit hole, all in 8 years!

    And as long as he keeps giving the hoards "free" stuff, he and his ilk will continue to get away with it.....

  3. The details of the publicity campaign for the Liberty Ships Type plan to transition the USA to 100% Renewable energy:
    cheap electricity houston


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