Friday, August 7, 2015

A birthday grumble.

It's my birthday.  Yay. /sarcasm

Damn.  Need a bigger cake.

My present is to work on fixing up Camp Borepatch to sell it.  Yay. /sarcasm
The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom.
- H. L. Mencken


  1. Happy Birthday!
    And remember, you're on the better side of the eventual dirt nap...

    Have fun, and be safe (if the two aren't mutually exclusive)!


  2. Happy Birthday. While you're working think about the equity you've built up in Camp Borepatch. Hope it makes the work go easier

  3. T.A.N.S.I.W.T!!
    Yeah, no sooner did they finish lighting all those damn birthday candles... You guessed it. Someone called in the fire department. And then those jokers drank all my beer. ;)

  4. Happy Birthday and many more! Remember that as long as they don't hide a firecracker amongst all those candles, they must like you well enough.

  5. Congrats on another year above ground...
    It's an accomplishment many people are unable to make...


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  8. Happy Birthday, 'patch!

    The good news is, we all live on the same point on the spacetime curve, and we're keeping up with you at precisely the same rate...


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