Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring is the time to fix things around the house

Yeah, that ought to do it.


  1. I actually rescued my grad school housemate and her BF back in the day from starting to build a rowing scull in the basement of our rented house once. I came home and they were beer-commercial excited about the project and showed me the wood and accoutrements they had stocked. I looked at the keel piece, I looked at the stairs, and the door at the top of the stairs. I commented. They assured me they'd measured and the length was barely no problem. I asked if they'd taken the beam into account.

    Sitcom-level doubletakes. Then tape measures. Then sheepishly loading everything into the truck for the trip to HIS basement.

  2. Reminded me of this cartoon:

    Basic Incompetence.


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