Saturday, March 28, 2015

So some Liberals post some typical liberal nonsense on the 'Net

Hilarity ensues.

Bootnote: Long time readers know that I'm a supporter of gay marriage. They also know that I'm not a fan of liberal's name calling or pretty much any sort of coercive identity politics. And I hatehatehate the current vogue of using the Government to crush Unapproved opinions. Suck it, Progs.


  1. snork, sputter, heh.
    'Puter body slams the progs.

    While I don't actively support gay marriage, I don't oppose it either.
    live and let live, whatev.

    I do know one thing for certain. Gay marriage is going to be a cash cow boon for divorce attorneys.
    I do have gay acquaintances. Fidelity is tough to come by in that community.
    Be careful what you wish for.


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