Wednesday, January 28, 2015

U. S. Weapons Systems vulnerable

Oh good grief:
An annual report released by the Pentagon's chief weapons tester indicates that a majority of the government's weapons programs contain “significant vulnerabilities.”
Many of the bugs stem from outdated and unpatched software, said Michael Gilmore, director of operational test and evaluation for the Department of Defense, in his 366-page report released on Jan. 20.
Due to the evolving threat landscape and upgraded cybercriminal techniques it is “likely that the determined cyber adversaries can acquire a foothold in most (Department of Defense) networks” and could even “degrade important DoD missions when and if they chose to,” Gilomore said. While program managers resolved previous issues discovered in recent years, this year's report has uncovered a slew of new vulnerabilities.
Stalin would have had them shot.  This is basic blocking and tackling, and the Department of freakin' Defense seemingly isn't up to it.


  1. When we stopped having a Department of War, we apparently gave up in all sorts of important ways.

  2. It's more about the millions it would take to actually 'please' the IA people... It gets pushed and pushed, until the unit fields, then the mad scramble ensues... Gilmore's Paper is correct, however he doesn't discuss the lack of funding that is being forced on S&T/R&D teams allowing only minimal completion of programs... And of course DODT&E is not ponying up any either...

  3. There have always been vulnerabilities. We know this. What is different is that we didn't used to publish our vulnerabilities so that the enemies could read about it. They used to have to use their own spies to find out that sort of thing.

    Vulnerabilities in the software domain are particularly hard to discover, since testing primarily focuses on all the ways a device is SUPOSSED to work, not on all the things you can make it do wrong.


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