Tuesday, December 30, 2014

There's a lot of ruin in a European common currency

Lawrence has a brilliant post about Greece and the Euro:
So we’ll see another election, and if Syriza wins we’ll see another round of demands for more bailouts and debt writedowns, with Greece threatening yet again to exit the Euro. We’ve seen this movie before. The most likely outcome is that another cabal of EU-phillic insiders in the Greek government will engineer a last-minute cave-in to demands from Brussels and Frankfurt, ram another toothless austerity measure through parliament in exchange for still more credit (and perhaps even a small symbolic measure of debt forgiveness), dissolve the government again following the inevitable public outrage, then have the Greek bureaucracy ignore even those woefully inadequate reforms, setting the stage for the farce to repeat itself in another 12-18 months, or until mean old Aunt Angela finally cuts up the credit card.
If you want to understand the slow motion destruction of the Euro, this is a fine place to start.


  1. It's like watching a building collapse in slow motion... and the people are 'beginning' to take those first running steps away...

  2. Substitute USA for Greece in the article and I see it as a prediction for our future unless things radically change soon.

  3. "One World Government" aka "New World Order".

    Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends.


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