Friday, December 5, 2014

Sony Pictures hack - is it the biggest hack of all time?

100 TB (that's Terabytes) of data downloaded by the hackers.  Yikes.  It seems that employee medical information was included, as well as who makes how much money.  Oh, and scripts and complete movies.

In other news, corporate security teams continue to struggle to justify budgets.


  1. My favorite part is the folder they kept the unencrypted passwords in. It was called "passwords"

  2. IT security, or just IT admins in general: Those who know IT, know that seeing your admins running around visibly doing stuff is a really, really bad sign: either the fecal matter has already hit the rotary air impeller, and there is a serious problem in the IT department that let things get out of control.

    On the other hand, PHBs are not impressed by not seeing the admins doing stuff. A smoothly running IT shop is practically invisible, except for the help desk guy trying to get some idiot's peanut butter sandwich out of the DVD drive. The PHBs think: whoa, they have nothing to do, we are way overstaffed. Then they fire the expensive admins and wonder why the place goes to hell.

    Or not - likely as not, they collected their bonus for cost-cutting, and have already moved on...

  3. ASM826, that's all you need to know about what the IT Security budget was.

    Brad, that's exactly true. It's even more true for security - good security is invisible, because bad things are *not* happening. You don't maintain a fire department if nothing has burned down in 10 years. Sad but true. :-(

  4. 11000 TB stolen...that ain't small taters. Isn't there some sort of warning system that goes bonkers if somebody is moving too much data at once?


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