Monday, November 3, 2014

Climate Scientists suffer from "Pre-Traumatic Stress" disorder

It's not easy being a scientist Social Justice Warrior:
At Grist, Madeleine Thomas has penned an article Climate depression is real.  Just ask a scientist. Excerpts:

Two years ago, Camille Parmesan, a professor at Plymouth University and the University of Texas at Austin, became so “professionally depressed” that she questioned abandoning her research in climate change entirely.

“I felt like here was this huge signal I was finding and no one was paying attention to it,” Parmesan says. “I was really thinking, ‘Why am I doing this?’” She ultimately packed up her life here in the States and moved to her husband’s native United Kingdom.

“In the U.S., [climate change] isn’t well-supported by the funding system, and when I give public talks in the U.S., I have to devote the first half of the talk to [the topic] that climate change is really happening,” says Parmesan, now a professor at Plymouth University in England.
I'm crying actual tears here.  Tears of laughter, but tears nonetheless.  RTWT for the biggest laugh you'll get today.


  1. [Nelson] HA HA! [/Nelson]

  2. Too funny... And of course she's now at the HOME organization that started it...

  3. “In the U.S., [climate change] isn’t well-supported by the funding system...."

    Tha' hell? She should try getting a study looking to disprove it funded.

  4. With a name like Parmesan she really should be working out her "science" in the culinary realm, besides she's a shoe-in for a TV Cooking show - baking is ALL about chemistry.
    And then she could eat to overcome her depression.

  5. @NotClauswitz: That was sorta cheesy, dontcha think?

  6. As cheesy as fake cardboard Kraft Parmesan - the real stuff on the other hand...


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