Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Well that explains something

I've been dealing with a fair amount of fatigue lately, and have mostly been chalking it up to stress.  And so it was much to my surprise when the doctor's office called and said that the blood work from my physical last week showed a chronic low grade infection.  I'd say "asymptomatic", but fatigue is exactly what you'd expect.  They're starting me on ten days of antibiotics.

Huh.  This will be a controlled experiment as to whether modern medicine beats "suck it up, cupcake".  I look forward to the results with a keen scientific curiosity.


  1. A "low grade infection" beats mono every time. With luck, the good biologicals will beat the bad biologicals into submission.

  2. Of course, fatigue and stress have been known to depress your immune system and leave you open to a low grade systemic infection...

  3. Are they going to culture that 'bacterial infection' and see what it might be? What might have caused it? The anti-bacs will probably work (if it isn't a virus, of course) but then you get all the fun of combating the side-effects of that as well. Sigh...

    Sorry to hear you were feeling low. Check your iodine levels ;-> I know, everybody's got a diet hobby-horse. That isn't actually one of mine, but I just read a couple of articles on pub-med and know enough to be dangerous. Seems that Our Fair Gov has decided that salt is bad, ergo people tend to forgo salt - thus they don't necessarily get all that much iodine. It can mess pretty thoroughly with your energy levels and can wreck your Joie de Virve! (No, I am not calling you a PLEBE!!!

    Fair Winds and Following Seas!

    Cap'n Jan


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