Thursday, August 14, 2014

How many rounds will a restraining order stop?

A friend worked with a woman who was separated from her husband.  There was some unpleasantness involved, and so she got a restraining order.

Yesterday he showed up and shot her three times, killing her.  Then he shot himself.  Their 14 year old daughter is now an orphan.

There's sometimes a darkness in some people's souls.  Hug your children.  Embrace the light.

And prepare for the worst.


  1. So sad that a little girl is left without her parents. I can't imagine the horror she is going through and the burden she will carry for the rest of her life.
    There is so much selfish evil out there...

  2. That breaks my heart. Some of those that survive end up in my basic pistol, NC CCH classes or both. It is profound and at least they are alive and doing the right thing. The stories they tell and do it in class or privately, showing me the complaint reports and in some cases showing me the aftermath of a confrontation stun me.

    My thoughts and prayers to the child.

  3. How does anyone come to the point that they're willing to leave their own child an orphan? I'll never understand that. Heck, I got a carry permit just to give my son a better chance at -not- being an orphan.

  4. That happened close to home to me a couple years ago--my boss's cousin in law was killed by way of restraining order, where the ex-whatever was released on a $1000 bond with an ankle bracelet (that he had already gone to prison once before for breaking out of). In my opinion that should be met with a sacking and/or prosecution for manslaughter of the whole entire "justice" system.

  5. We all know the answer... sigh...

  6. We all know the answer... sigh...

  7. sigh...

    The human ability to do terrible things to each other just never seems to find it's limits.

    I can't understand suicide. I was so scared of dying when I heard about my possible heart cancer that I was willing to do just about anything to stay alive and keep being my little girl's daddy...

  8. Some people think a restraining order is to stop a bad person harming you (hard to believe, but there it is). What it is really for, is stopping the state from harming you after you shoot the bad person. It is probably fairly effective at that.


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